Spirit of confusion gone

One woman we worked with started of her two weeks with unable to focus and often did not complete sentences well. She had a history of a hospitalization for mental health related issues. Occasionally, this woman would also manifest a demon within the sessions. Bob and I held a brief conference in the another room because we kept running into so much spiritual interference. We also found it necessary to meet prior to the sessions each day to ask for specific guidance for each session. The next day at the end of the session, the woman said, “You know, I think there is an unclean spirit here. I’m pretty sure it is called confusion.” Yep. It was fairly easy for us to agree with her on that one. After a bit of a tussle between the lying voice and her Heavenly Father’s voice, she told the thing to leave and found freedom from it! Within 24 hours her conversational skills improved. She could understand questions being asked of her, put together full and complete sentences, and hear her Heavenly Father so much more clearly! Additionally, she was able to find a new job and start working the week following her final session!


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