He really heard the gospel today….

Today, I worked at the rehab center for half the day. I started to work with a 26-year old with whom is really not that much wrong, other than that he made messes in his life, and also deals with some real, heavy stuff that his wife is adding to the marriage which among other things led to his depression. Monday, I shared, and we talked almost 3 hours about what forgiveness is and means. It turned out that he really heard the Gospel and understood it for the first time that day. (He is a pastor’s son!!) The Father has been working the last days, as he was thinking it all over and read selected Scripture passages. So, today, I had the privilege of witnessing his prayer of wanting to receive the gift of His son, forgiveness of sin, and the Holy Spirit. That was wonderful! Now we can start/continue working “on his stuff” WITH God in the process. So, lots to give thanks for today :))


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