Hurting Ones Seeking a Safe Helper
001 Age 35. Female. Not married. Children.
My dad was a believer. On his deathbed God prompted me to take on his mantle. I told him I'd give my life to the Lord. I had a vision of my dad after he died. God healed my hand from warts and experienced his healing. My son was molested, and I went deeper in the Word. The Lord let me know I need to forgive people. He told me I need to forgive before I can share his word. God spoke to me personally. He told me to be still and know he is God. I just knew he was there, and I had enough faith to know he was there. I received his love. Through Christian music I had understanding that he wanted a personal relationship with me. He introduced himself to me. I need Christian support. I need deliverance. I have things to work through and I can't do it myself. I need people who really care. I have unforgiveness. A biblical counselor referred me to Jessica.
√ 002 Age 31. Female. Married. Children.
I grew up in the church, it was all I knew. My faith was really important to me as a kid. I did all the church groups, camps, a mission trip. I loved it. Then I got to high school and completely walked away from it. I got pregnant my senior year, went into labor at 26 weeks and was on bed rest. It was at that time I found God again. He got me through that tough time and by no small miracle, my daughter was born full time. I continued to waiver a bit in my walk. Two years ago I dove in completely band have worked on surrendering my life to Christ. I discovered my husband’s porn addiction and multiple affairs a few months ago. It’s been a hard few months and resurfaced a lot of trauma and abuse I went through as a kid. I see so many areas that I need to fully let go of and heal from. I’ve been crippled by ocd, anxiety, and health issues. My counselor at church recommended it. I’ve done a lot of reading and watched videos to familiarize myself with it. I have a decent understanding of the process.
003 Age 46. Female. Married. Children.
I was raised in church. I need healing from church, hurt and rebuild my character and integrity. A friend introduced me to PR and said it takes you through healing, deliverance and freedom.
004 Age 24. Female. Not married. No Children.
I've been raised in church my whole life with parents who were missionaries and children's pastors for assemblies of God for years. Even though I was raised in the faith, I held a lot of resentment towards God and my parents because I never understood the relationship they had with Him. I didn't know Him and felt like He was a God who was a dictator with so many rules. When I went to college, I fell into some bad influences and made some wrong friends and lost sight of who I was. I fell into drug addictions and sexual addictions while being with an abusive partner I couldn't escape from. I felt trapped in a hole I couldn't leave and instead of asking for help, I took more drugs and ended up having a psychotic break losing my mind completely. I had to drop out of school, go to rehab and recover what little pieces were left of me. What got me through it all was Jesus and prayer, I finally understood that it was through the power of His name that I was fully recovered and healed. After a year of NA, therapy, and church community I gave my life to Christ and decided to pursue Him all the days of my life. I went back to college, finished, and got a job and while working, I was invited by an old friend to go to his church. I fell in love with it and the second day I visited I asked for deliverance and repented before God that day, from then on I never left and serve the church and its community ever since. Despite how far I've come, I still deal with a lot of traumas from my past that I haven't fully let go. There is still some unforgiveness in my heart and I want to be better. Even though I've been clean awhile, I've recently regressed to using because of an experience I had in an encounter and complicated one of the closest relationships I've had with one of my friends. Now we are in a relationship, but I'm not sure if it's the wisest decision because of how it started. I want to be with him but he holds a past I'm not sure i can forgive. I struggle with anger issues, pride, jealousy, lust, pornography and drug addiction and I want to stop all of it. I feel like PR will help me at least start to try to get better. The person who brought me to my church told me how much it's helped him and changed his life. I saw his openness and growth and felt like this would be a good fit for me. I don't know much about it other than the fact that you lay out an issue and you have a group of people. pray over it.
005 Age 32. Male. Married. Children.
I was in private school up until 7th grade and grew up in church. I never really felt like I had faith, it always felt forced. I stopped going to church until I met my now wife. We went to church sporadically and I never felt connected. December 2022 my wife discovered that I had a pornography addiction and had an affair in 2021-2022. I fully surrendered to God and have repented of my sins. Since then I’ve made a conscious effort to put God first. My wife went through a brief session and I saw just how much it helped her. I would like to find complete healing from my past traumas and abuse. From my wife I know it’s helped a lot of people from my church and it involves digging deep into past experiences and giving it to God
006 Age 45. Female. Married. Children.
Raised going to church, I accepted Jesus as my Lord in my early 20's. I have seen how effective it has been in others’ lives, that I follow on social media. A sister in Christ introduced me to PR. I think it is focused on forgiveness and accountability.
007 Age. Male. Married. Children.
I had a very abusive childhood that has left me with a lot trauma and lies. I’d like to break the chains I’ve felt weighed down by. I want to break the cycle and any generational curses. I want to replace all the lies I’ve clung to with Gods truth. I’ve hurt my wife in ways I swore I never would, largely because of my past and not resolving any issues. I’m hoping to be the man God has called me to be and be a better husband and father.