No Foxhole

A scribe said, ”Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus replied, ”foxes have holes and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

My comments: As a scribe, he was accustomed to an easy life and maybe even thought that by following Jesus, the conquering king, he could retire much earlier. Jesus made it clear that if he followed him it would not be easy, even the most basic things, the things that even lesser creatures like animals have, such as a place to lay his head, he would not have if he followed Jesus. There was no prosperity gospel preached among the apostles. They did not receive a life of ease as a reward for their commitment and faith. They were not rewarded with fame and fortune for their faith. And the one who announced Jesus’ coming, John the Baptist, who was called greatest of those born to women, did not have an easy life, but lived in a dessert, ate locust and honey, and wore a hair shirt. John was beheaded. We are still praying ”thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.” The kingdom is still in the processs of coming and has not yet fully arrived. The king has not yet returned, so the ”prince of this world” (Satan) still rules the world except for God’s children. So, we are in a war and we are behind enemy lines, so life is not easy as we fight to bring the kingdom to earth.

-Mike Banker 2012


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