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Porn Free

Pornography has become a huge problem in the church. I know it is even a bigger problem in society but we are responsible for the church, not the world. Jesus makes it clear that when men lust after women like this that they are committing adultery in their heart. Often men excuse their behavior saying that they can’t help it, that they can’t control their lust, that it’s okay to look just don’t touch, or even that it is the women’s fault that they lust. So, Jesus provided another verse for these men. Which eye is causing the trouble? Pluck out that eye. Or which hand do you masturbate with when you lust after this women in your mind? Cut off that hand. God doesn’t want you to maim your body, but he doesn’t accept your excuse either. You are to be holy as He is holy! So, if she seduced you with her image then accuse her and forgive her. But even if she seduced you, you are not innocent. God still holds you responsible for your thoughts and actions, so confess your sin, ask Him to forgive you, give up your sexual claim on that women, ask him to break the bond you made with her in your mind and to cleanse you from the unholy bond you made in your heart and soul. Confess the lie you believe that you cannot control yourself. You are made in His image, you are one of His sons, His Spirit is with you, so this belief is a lie. Ask Him to forgive you for believing a lie, reject the lie, and ask Him to break it’s power and if you have the faith of a mustard seed, then ask Him to show you the truth in a way that you will remember. Satan doesn’t have more power than God!


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